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Read more articles about Cultural objects

Understanding Macdonell-Williamson House through four artifacts
It is tempting, while admiring Macdonell-Williamson House’s centuries-old stone walls, Palladian grandeur and picturesque setting, to conjure up an era defined by continuity – when...

Christ Church and the Queen Anne Silver
Located in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory on the Bay of Quinte, Christ Church houses a silver communion service dating to 1712. This remarkable service represents an...

Adventures in light and colour
Light is a fundamental aspect of all architecture, especially places of worship. Light has always been considered a manifestation of the spirit, providing guidance, comfort...

From the Mather-Walls collection
Perched on a hill in the town of Keewatin (now Kenora) stands a majestic Queen-Anne style house known as Mather-Walls House. This cream-and-chocolate-coloured two-storey wood...

Friends of the Trust
Throughout its 40 years, the Ontario Heritage Trust has developed strong partnerships with local communities. Among these partnerships are those with the groups whose efforts...

Celebrating our first Lieutenant Governor
On October 26, 2006, commemorative events were held at Fort York in Toronto and at Wolford Chapel in Devonshire, England to mark the 200th anniversary...

Carving out a place in our history
Josiah Henson travelled to London, England in 1851 to attend the first World’s Fair – also known as the Great Exhibition or Crystal Palace Exhibition...

Heritage conservation at our front door
The term “porte-cochère” has continental flair, though humble origins. In French, it means “carriage door” and originally referred to a covered entryway into a courtyard...